Coaching & Mentoring
The program consists of six one-hour sessions spread out over whatever time frame works for you. It will help you to become more intentional about where you're spending your time and how you're using your resources.
Too often, we end up in default mode, just going along with what we're told to do or what seems easiest. But when we take the time to really think about our priorities and make space for what's important, we can show up as our best selves and give our best to the people who really deserve it.
Donna is passionate about helping people to re-evaluate their priorities and use their time more intentionally. She believes that we all have a limited time on this planet, and if we're not spending it in the way that truly matters to us, then we're at risk of living with regret or worst, resentment.

Looking for more?
If you're ready to take that first step towards a more fulfilling life, then set up a discovery call with Donna.